Tooth whitening


Who wouldn’t like to have whiter teeth?

We live in a society that is becoming more and more demanding in terms of body appearance. We take more and more care of our body, our diet and of course, we also take care of our teeth.

That’s why radiant white teeth are a great calling card that not only improve our appearance but also help us to smile with more confidence and security.

Before starting a tooth whitening treatment, we always have doubts and questions…

  1. Does it really work?
  2. Is it good for my teeth?
  3. What does it consist of?
  4. How long do the results last?
  5. Is it painful?


At Clínica dental Periodent Mallorca we can answer these questions:

First I want to share with you that not all whitening systems are the same.

1. Does it really work?

The system we use at Periodent is of the highest quality and meets all the established requirements for its whitening qualities and the care it takes of tooth enamel.

And I say this from my experience as a dentist, and also as a patient.

As a patient, I have one of the most difficult enamels to whiten, and that’s why it has been a challenge for me to try whitening on my teeth… That’s why I can assure you first hand that it WORKS!

In all cases the effect is noticeable, the teeth are always whiter afterwards, but the degree of whiteness is different for each patient. It depends on the initial colour, on the personal response to the treatment, on the structure of the enamel and sometimes on the number of applications and the length of time the treatment is used.

2. Is it good for my teeth?

Yes, absolutely. Scientific and clinical studies show that this treatment is completely safe and does not damage teeth.

3. What does it consist of?

We carry out whitening in two phases, one in the clinic and the other at home.

  • Clinic: after a small polishing of the teeth, we protect the gums with a protective gel and then apply the whitening gel (hydrogen peroxide).
  • Home: we make splints that adapt to your teeth in which you will have to insert the whitening gel that we will provide you with.


Depending on the patient’s initial colour and response to the treatment, we will carry out two or three sessions in the clinic combined with sessions at home lasting approximately one and a half hours. In total the treatment lasts 1 month.

4. How long do the results last?

Again, this is different for each patient. In general, in order to maintain the target achieved just after the treatment, we advise to do a recall session in the clinic once or twice a year and/or to do the treatment at home for a week.

5. Is it painful?

NO, at most some patients may experience a slight sensitivity that disappears at the end of the treatment.

To avoid sensitivity, we personalise each treatment according to the sensitivity of each patient.

You can make an appointment online to start whitening or call us on 971759909.